Sunday, January 22, 2012

Simple Things :: 3

On Monday while my oldest worked on his "facts about lizards" project, I spruced up a little wreath for our front door. The small all-white berry wreath from Target was cute, but it didn't look quite right on our white front door and for that reason, it has moved around several locations in our home.

Simple Things 3a

I added red berry sprigs to the white and switched the white ribbon out for a red one, and I finished my simple project before my son finished his lizard project. Such a simple change, but it has been a happy greeting every time I return home.

(You can see the original wreath here as it served as a hiding spot for our Christmas elf.)

Participating in the "Simple Things" photographs on Rebecca Cooper's blog.


  1. What a cute wreath! I love the red ribbon.

  2. I love it Lisa! Thanks for sharing with us. :)

  3. what a clever and easy idea! And it is so pretty!!!!

  4. So cute! I am so glad I came across your blog. I am your newest follower and I would appreciate it if you followed me back at my blog! I am also doing a giveaway for free software!! You should come check it out at

  5. It looks pretty and perfect for Valentine's Day too!!
