Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Simple Things :: 1

My younger son started showing a greater interest in reading this week. After my older son completed his daily reading time, Joey was eager to demonstrate his abilities with Dr. Seuss' ABCs. I loved watching the two of them reading together -- this little moment makes me so happy. (A teary, over-tired meltdown erupted shortly after I took the photo, but that's all just part of the day.)

Simple Things

Participating in the "Simple Things" photographs on Rebecca Cooper's blog.


  1. what a lovely photo Lisa! :) love moments like these...and I'm all too familiar with the over-tired, meltdown moments too. ;) thanks for linking up with the simple things this week!

  2. aw...that is so sweet! when do these meltdowns stop? lol my 2.5 yr old is wearing me out!
